Ecommerce Retargeting

Ecommerce Retargeting with Emails Retargeting clients is the last stage of email marketing for ecommerce in this series. Marketing automation’s shining star is the ability to retarget and segment messaging.  However, without the added touch of personalization your email nurturing campaign wont be fully realized.  Keep in mind that shoppers who visit your website will […]

How Email Marketing Automation Helps Order Fulfillment

Email Marketing Automation

Email Marketing Automation and Fulfillment In last week’s post about email marketing software, we ended with a conversation about advanced email marketing automation tools. Specifically, from Mailchimp and Constant Contact, to help guide the discussion in the context of pros and cons. Next, let’s visualize one of your customers making a purchase and is greeted by your […]

Email Marketing Software Part II

email marketing

Email Marketing: Digital Marketing Tools Rounding out the top tools for digital marketing, email marketing is often last on the list. However, as they say, last but not least as email marketing efforts require coordination with the other top five tools. Today’s digital marketing experts understand that social media, design tools, analytics tools and content marketing […]

Email Marketing Software

email marketing ecommerce

Email Marketing Software for eCommerce In an earlier post we talked about digital transformation and urged readers to embrace the advantages afforded by technology. Last week in our topic, what’s old is new again, we begin to discuss the transformative opportunities in email technology. While some may point to their inbox as a cluttered mess it’s up […]