The Year in Review: Trends and Predictions

In our final blog of 2021 we take a look at the year in review. It’s been an unsteady ride for many online retailers. First, the ongoing pandemic’s labor shortage, The Economic Rebound Is Still Waiting for Workers, continues to affect industries of all shapes and sizes. However, the pandemic continues to be a catalyst for change. As was the case with many ecommerce business owners, 2021 was a year of digital transformation and marketing innovation.

2021 Top Trends

Among the top trends for 2021 is the subscription-based business model. Online retailers found new avenues to present unique goods such as the candle of the month to build customer loyalty and sales retention. Personalization was also found to be a top trend for 2021. Personal experiences include product recommendations and dynamic content like package openings and testimonials.  Personalized showrooms, shopping parties and other engagement tactics kept fighting against cart-abandonment and lead to improved user experiences. Another major trend that kept growing was online reviews. Reviews continue to drive sales and monetize data as users look for more review sites that make interactions easier.

Predictions for 2022

In conclusion, early online shopping for major events like national holidays will continue to be a driver for digital retail engagement. Plus events, to attract those early-bird shoppers, will flourish on social platforms. No longer will influencers be limited to the youngest generation but everyone who tries will find a voice and an audience. Finally, tools to track customer preferences and behaviors will become more accessible. Data analytics and metrics will help online retailers understand their audience and what it takes to appeal to new target demographics.

We have many posts about trends predictions, some listed below.  Also, click over to our blog section where you are sure to find more helpful articles to help your online sales and marketing.

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