3PL, 4PL and LLP Fulfillment Services

3PL, 4PL and LLP Fulfillment Services

3PL, 4PL and LLP Fulfillment Services In an earlier post from the MyFulfillment Company Blog we discussed the difference between 3PL (third party logistics) and 4PL logistics. Here, we will discuss another option for business owners looking to scale up and increase efficiencies, LLP (lead logistics provider) fulfillment services. While researching this piece we came across […]

Fulfillment Company Software

Fulfillment Company Software

Fulfillment Company Software Solutions and Integration Practices If your company is looking for a fulfillment services provider that needs to work with existing software please read on. Likewise if you’re learning about fulfillment software for the first time, understanding fulfillment software solutions and integrations practices is key. Basically software in the fulfillment business functions to […]

About Fulfillment Companies

about fulfillment company services

Are Fulfillment Companies the Same? About My Fulfillment Company While many fulfillment companies are the same, it’s often the most responsive company that wins accounts. That’s one of the most important factors for success when thinking about My Fulfillment Company. Another critical success metric isn’t an analytic at all, it’s proximity. Maybe you asked Siri […]

Atlanta Based Fulfillment Company

The Beginnings: A New Fulfillment Company, Based in Atlanta, Georgia About five years ago, after a successful online mail-order ecommerce run, My FulFillment Company was founded, based in Atlanta, Georgia. Already at home in the nation’s 10th largest economy, My Fulfillment Company (MFC) grew out of nutritional supplement industry. With sales exceeding 2 million, the company became […]

New Way to Ship Products? 3M Uses an Innovative Method

3M Shipping

If there’s one thing that is common across all ecommerce platforms, shipping methods, and fulfillment centers, it’s the classic cardboard box. Granted, packaging materials have come a long way in the last few decades, and most cardboard is made with post-consumer recycled material and further recyclable, too. However, 3M, one of the world’s biggest and […]

Dropshipping Fulfillment Companies


Dropshipping is a term used to describe a process in which goods move from the manufacturer directly to the retailer or end user without traveling through multiple distribution channels. If you are considering dropshipping with a fulfillment company, there are a few things to keep in mind to make the experience a pleasant and profitable […]