Signs there’s Something Wrong with Google Ads

Earlier, in our online marketing series, the concept of user intent was a sub topic. We now know that user intent plays a big part in an expert advertising campaign. However, you may still be asking yourself “what’s wrong with my Google Ads?” After all, landing pages are no longer the magic bullet for killing off poor ad quality scores. One of the best ways to understand whether or not your Google ads are performing well is budget spend.

Google Ads Budget Not Spending

Google has been trying to help optimize your ad campaigns, daily since 2017. Through machine learning and automation Google ads now adjust budgets on a daily or hourly basis. There are many reasons your budget is not being exhausted so it’s a professional tip to keep an eye on your campaign’s activity. Online advertising, especially pay-per-click, is not a set it and forget it apparatus. Get in the habit of looking at your online budget spend at least twice a week. I recommend at the beginning and end of your ad cycle. If you’re running 24/7, just make a schedule and drill down to the ad group level regularly.

 Google Ads Underperforming

The good news is Google is on your side. The big brother of search tries to help you empty your pockets every week. Have you noticed any alerts about account optimization? Google Ads is a platform with designs on your success. It will offer bidding strategy from match type to bid amounts. Follow the automated advice and look up any terms that are foreign. If you’re lucky a friendly representative will call on you to help maximize your campaigns. Be aware, I’ve talked to plenty of these “experts” and gotten mixed results. I think the featured image of this blog sorta sums up my point of view on that topic. In this case the experts can be even more confused than you. Remember, the more you learn the more you earn! Next week we’ll dig deeper and rule Ad Scores.