What Does the Phrase “Pick and Pack” Mean in the Fulfillment World?

Pick and Pack

If you are new to the ecommerce industry, there’s quite a bit of lingo you will need to familiarize yourself with if you really want to succeed. The phrase “pick and pack” is a fine example of this, and many people are unsure of what it means. Below, you’ll discover the definition of the phrase […]

What to Look for in a Fulfillment Company to Ensure Your Inventory is Safe


Hiring a fulfillment company can be a life-changing experience for business owners. It allows them the ability to save money, save time, and reduce the everyday stress associated with managing orders and shipments – but only when they can feel confident that their inventory is safe. Here are some things you should look for to […]

Reasons Why a Fulfillment Company Can Solve Your Inventory Problems

inventory management

How a Fulfillment Company can solve inventory problems Ask any retailer about their least-favorite task associated with running their business and the most common answer will undoubtedly be inventory management. Dealing with understock, overstock, reordering, reporting, counting, proper storage, and more can be more than just a headache – it can be a nightmare. Here […]

Top 5 Questions You Should Ask Your Ecommerce Fulfillment Partner

Fulfillment Center Partner

What do Ecommerce Fulfillment Companies do? You have your choice of ecommerce fulfillment companies these days, but not all of them are created equal, and not all of them are equipped to provide your business exactly what it needs. Here are five questions to consider when choosing a partner best suited to help your company grow and […]

How Cost and Speed Factor into Fulfillment


Fulfilling Online Orders Directly  Online order fulfillment is multi-faceted, meaning that no one specific method works right for every single company – at least on its own. Are you considering fulfilling online orders directly? As a result of this, more companies than ever before are attempting to get faster shipping at lower costs by combining […]

How Automation Might Change the Fulfillment Industry


Technology is a wonderful thing that provides people around the world with unsurpassed convenience. For many business owners, investing in technology that supports automation saves money in the long run and even improves the overall margin for error in many situations. In fact, experts predict that automation will continue to change the fulfillment industry in […]

Just How Complicated is eCommerce Fulfillment?


Often, when someone chooses to start up a brand new ecommerce-based business, he or she will jump in headfirst and tackle every aspect of that business. While this often works for a while, as he or she gains more customers, management and fulfillment becomes far more complicated. Here are some of the things you should […]

What to Look for in a Fulfillment Company to Ensure Your Inventory is Safe


Hiring a fulfillment company can be a life-changing experience for business owners. It allows them the ability to save money, save time, and reduce the everyday stress associated with managing orders and shipments – but only when they can feel confident that their inventory is safe. Here are some things you should look for to […]

Dropshipping Fulfillment Companies


Dropshipping is a term used to describe a process in which goods move from the manufacturer directly to the retailer or end user without traveling through multiple distribution channels. If you are considering dropshipping with a fulfillment company, there are a few things to keep in mind to make the experience a pleasant and profitable […]