Whether you have owned a business for some time, or you are considering starting one, you probably understand that the costs that go into warehousing can be astronomical. Aside from this, managing a warehouse is incredibly time-consuming, and in some cases, it prevents people from starting the business they’ve always dreamed of. On-demand warehousing can solve many common issues and set your mind at ease. Here are some of the biggest benefits to consider.

On-Demand Warehousing is Flexible

Perhaps the greatest benefit associated with on-demand warehousing is its flexibility. There are several different models out there, but the best (and often the most common) is the one in which the warehouse owner serves as a fulfillment company and handles not only storage, but also ordering, stocking, picking, packing, shipping, and more. This gives you the flexibility to decide exactly what you want to handle yourself and exactly what you want your fulfillment partner to handle. For many business owners – especially small business owners looking to grow and expand – this is a game changer.

On-Demand Warehousing gives Options

All too often, business owners have excellent ideas that they would love to bring to fruition, but the cost associated with storage is simply too high. Imagine being unable to bring in a new product or even develop a new prototype because you simply cannot expand upon your existing warehouse space. Believe it or not, this happens quite frequently, and it keeps many otherwise excellent companies from experiencing revenue-boosting growth. On-demand warehousing scales with your needs, which gives you the option to be an innovative trendsetter without fear of space limitations.

No Warehouse Lease

On average, if you were to lease a warehouse on your own, you would be looking at a five-year lease with a whopping monthly cost. For a small business owner, this simply isn’t feasible. After all, not all startups survive their first five years and those exorbitant lease payments won’t do much to help. On-demand warehousing solves this issue by offering you the ability to store your inventory for a much shorter period – usually six months to one year – and in some cases without a contractual term at all.

On-Demand Warehousing Security and Protection

Finally, even if you can find an affordable warehouse with a term you can live with, you still must worry about things like climate control and security – both of which cost you even more. Installing a security system or hiring security guards is yet another incredible expense, as is paying utility bills for a large warehouse space that you must keep at a very specific temperature range. On-demand warehousing solves these problems, as well. Top-notch warehousing providers use the latest technologies to ensure your inventory is protected from things like theft, vandalism, severe weather, fire, and more.

The costs associated with leasing a warehouse can be astronomical, and in many cases, warehousing costs alone prevent people from realizing their visions of a successful ecommerce business. Thanks to today’s on-demand warehousing options, it is possible to have a partner that works for you and grows with you as your business needs change, whether you need additional space for inventory or you need additional fulfillment services in the future.

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