Online Shopping and Inflation 2022 part II

Inflation Drops as Online Shopping Continues to Rise Last week this blog series brought news from one of my newest interest Adobe's Digital Price Index. In this episode, it's part II of our online shopping and inflation 2022 report. There's still time to read Online Shopping and Inflation Part I. That Forbes article "Inflation Cost [...]

By | 2022-07-26T12:54:13-04:00 July 26th, 2022|Categories: ecommerce|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Online Shopping and Inflation 2022 part II

Online Shopping and Inflation 2022

Adobe Reports on Online Shopping and Inflation As reported by Forbes, "Inflation Cost Online Shoppers 2.8 Billion in March, Adobe Reports," online shopping and inflation are growing major economic concerns. Items in categories such as apparel and groceries are getting the worst of it, along with soaring gas prices. So as we take a lap [...]

By | 2022-06-21T08:43:41-04:00 June 22nd, 2022|Categories: ecommerce|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Online Shopping and Inflation 2022