eCommerce Fulfillment

eCommerce Fulfillment

eCommerce fulfillment is a multi-step group of processes or actions that exist between the time one of your customers places an order until that order arrives at his or her doorstep and even beyond. My Fulfillment Company are experts in ecommerce fulfillment. We serve numerous niches and industries and provide a wide variety of highly customizable services to fit your unique needs.

On-Demand Warehousing

You don’t need a large warehouse space to be successful in ecommerce when you have a partner like My Fulfillment Company. We provide ample yet flexible on-demand warehousing that grows and flexes with your business and ensures you always have the right number of products for your customers. Our facilities are secure so you can rest assured your products are safe. You won’t have to rent expensive storage space and hire more employees to pick, pack, and ship your orders.

Inbound Inventory
Carriers & Vendors

Picking, Packing, and Shipping

Though picking, packing, and shipping might not sound too difficult when your company is still small, things can quickly become difficult as your business really starts to take off. Rather than spending all your time processing orders and ensuring they get shipped out on time, let My Fulfillment Company read your online orders, then pick, pack, and ship them on your behalf. We can even include your marketing materials, flyers, and promotions at your request.

Order and Inventory Reporting

Accurate reporting is crucial for facilitating growth, so it is important to have a partner that will provide you with timely reports that you can use to make important business decisions. My Fulfillment Company will give you weekly reports to help you better understand how many orders were processed and shipped, to update you on your inventory status, and to let you know how many customers returned or exchanged items, as well.

Verifying Orders
Verifying Tracking Information

Custom Packaging Assembly and Kitting

If the items you sell are unusually shaped, require special protections, or even if you just want to make sure your brand permeates every aspect of every customer’s order, My Fulfillment Company also offers custom packaging assembly and kitting to serve these needs. No matter how complex your packaging might be, we understand that you want your customers to have the best possible experience with every single order they place.

Returns Processing

Many ecommerce merchants feel overwhelmed by returns, which can be troublesome to process alongside numerous regular orders. My Fulfillment Company offers returns processing on your behalf so that you can spend less time worrying about refunds and replacements and more time planning your next marketing campaign, interacting on social media, or even looking for the next hot product you want to sell in your online shop.

Verifying & Processing Returns

No matter the size of your business, whether you’re just getting started or you’ve experienced significant growth recently, My Fulfillment Company can help you make sure that every single order is processed in a timely manner, packed accurately and carefully, and shipped out quickly with one of our shipping partners. Contact us today to get a free estimate for our services based on your company’s unique needs.