E-Commerce and Fulfillment Projections

Beauty Products Lead the Way for Online Retail Shopping

As we close in on the end of the second decade of the new millennium, it’s apropos to look back a few years at the growth of e-commerce, beauty products and fulfillment service companies. Specifically, a few thoughts about e-commerce and fulfillment projections.  According to research by e-commerce expert Gary Hoover merchandise lines like clothing and beauty products grew an impressive twenty-five percent from 2000-20014. Beauty products include consumer goods like health supplements, health aids and beauty aids, ranging from make up to skin treatments. 

Economic projections in the e-commerce industry are estimated to increase to more than $635 billion. That figure represents e-commerce growth for 2022 in the United States.  As the nations’s economy continues to expand globally, especially here in North America, those numbers seem conservative for the e-commerce and fulfillment industry. 

Earlier this month, reported by J. Clement, Statista, total retail sales of physical goods, from online transactions in 2019, amounted to 343.15 billion dollars.  Projects for 2024 exceed 476.5 billion dollars.

Top Trending E-Commerce Health and Beauty Products

According to a leading online shopping retail e-commerce platform that identified the top trending products on our list health and beauty products are important to consider. The report looked at the highest gross merchandise value (GMV) and total number of orders.  Online stores like Oberlo and AliExpress were specifically queried for research of top trending e-commerce products. Third party resources like Google Trends and Keywords everywhere provided more useful data. Health and beauty online retail e-commerce products are trending north. 

For this brief summary there are two that stand out in our research. First, the peel-off face mask. These beauty products are peaking and prove to be an interesting online e-commerce item. Since fulfillment shipping centers are seeing more of those types of products in the last five years, it’s important to use a service with expertise. Check out the Google Trends date in this chart going back to 2004. 

The other top trending health and beauty item is nail polish.  Fueled by the younger generation top trending sales for nail polish, globally, are expect to surpase $15 billion by 2024. This is according to Grand View Research, read their report here.

Also, using behavior data mined from Google Trends, we see a massive spike in nail polish searches. This indicates a correlation between search and online shopping. Other social networking analytics like Pinterest show up trending data. Nail polish comes in many varieties including lacquer, varnish and enamel. Shipping fulfillment companies need expert-level experience to protect liquid products from the elements as well as often abrasive third-party shipping handlers.

My Fulfillment Company Health and Beauty Products Shipping Experts

If you are looking to ship health and beauty products My Fulfillment Company specializes in Fulfilling for Health & Beauty brands and offers a free estimate, just click here to learn more. 

Fulfillment Companies that offer specialized services in fulfilling for health and beauty brands, like My Fulfillment Company have been brand partners for over a decade to many of the products you already know. For more information about how My Fulfillment Company helps with relinquishing inventory management and order fulfillment needs click here.   


By | 2021-09-27T10:10:12-04:00 September 29th, 2021|Categories: ecommerce, Fulfillment, Packaging, Shipping|Tags: , |Comments Off on E-Commerce and Fulfillment Projections

About the Author:

Eric Holder is a Marketing Communications Expert with 20 + years experience, in both agency & in-house settings. Holder is astute at identifying Market Differentiators & utilizing teams to leverage Content, SEO / SEM, Social Media, PR, CX, Influencers & Analytics that produce MQLs.